Robert Penn Warren Studies

Call for Papers: Robert Penn Warren Studies

Robert Penn Warren Studies, which publishes critical explorations of the life and works of Robert Penn Warren and his friends, colleagues, and students, invites submissions for the journal’s forthcoming edition.  For this issue, we are particularly interested in pieces that address Warren and his associates’ legacy, either through their literary production or in their approach to teaching literature.

Formerly known as rWp: An Annual of Robert Penn Warren Studies, the journal is an annual peer-reviewed publication of the Center for Robert Penn Warren Studies and Western Kentucky University.  Founded in 2001, Robert Penn Warren Studies has featured articles on the “restored” edition of All the King’s Men, memoirs from Warren’s children, and numerous pieces drawing connections between Warren’s work and other authors, from Coleridge and Dostoyevsky to Styron and Ashbery.  In its new incarnation, RPW Studies is moving to an online format, and we welcome contributions that take advantage of our new electronic medium.

Our interest extends beyond Robert Penn Warren’s own work to the work of those authors and scholars who formed part of Warren’s circle, including but not limited to R.W.B. Lewis, Cleanth Brooks, Allen Tate, John Crowe Ransom, Lewis P. Simpson, Ralph Ellison, Eudora Welty, and Katherine Anne Porter.   Similarly, our call for papers extends beyond critical essays and reviews and encompasses relevant memoirs and reminisces, primary and archival materials, work dealing with writers important to Warren or about whom he himself wrote, bibliographic materials, and criticism and commentary in the spirit of Robert Penn Warren.  We also strongly encourage pedagogical reflections that examine the way that Warren’s creative work and critical legacy continue to hold relevance in the classroom. 

Contributors should consult the journal website at: