An Annual of Robert Penn Warren Studies
Volume II
►Take a Look Inside◄
publication is published annually by the Center for Robert Penn
Warren Studies and Western Kentucky University, One Big Red Way,
Bowling Green, Kentucky, 42101-3576.
Editorial offices are:
Professor William Bedford Clark
Department of English
College of Liberal Arts
Texas A&M University
4227 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843-4227
Professor James A. Grimshaw, Jr.
Department of Literature and Languages
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Commerce, Texas 75429-3011
Contributors should submit
two copies of manuscripts, typed and double-spaced, following The Chicago
Manual of Style, 14th Edition (humanities style, chapter 15). Submissions
should be accompanied by SASE. Previously unpublished work will be given
Business Office
Managing Editors, Ted Hovet, Jr. and Lloyd Davies,
Department of English, 1 Big Red Way, Western Kentucky University, Bowling
Green, Kentucky 42101-3576. Annual Price is $25.00. Correspondence
regarding orders should be addressed to the business office address.
An Annual of Robert Penn Warren Studies is indexed by The American
Humanities Index, MLA International Bibliography, and MHRA Annual
Bibliography of English Language and Literature, (Cambridge, England).